Braces supporting oral health in children

Braces supporting oral health in children

People wearing braces are a common sight, these prosthetic devices have gained acceptance into people’s life There are great advancements in this field of dentistry – different types of braces to choose from is an example for this. Traditional metal braces, coloured braces, invisible braces are all types to choose from.

Aligning teeth or straightening them and getting a perfect set of teeth is achieved by using braces. Various flaws such as overcrowded teeth, issues with overbite or underbite are all corrected using braces. It is just not teeth that are corrected but jaws also are helped to reach their desired position with these devices. Braces are used along with other dental devices to achieve this.

Children usually wear braces as this is the best time to wear them. The reason being the teeth and jaws are developing and they can be moved to the correct position by wearing braces. Adults can also wear braces and the effectiveness is the same as children. Dentists recommend braces to children as soon as they have enough teeth and they notice that the development needs support from braces for better teeth positioning.

Dental consultations are conducted to determine the extent of the issue and if the person is fit to wear braces. Braces are often worn to align the teeth. Braces slowly push the teeth from their current position, braces are re-adjusted to have enough pressure for this movement. Oral health is one of the major deciding factors. Depending on the extent of the dental concern and progress that is possible with each type of braces, the dentists will discuss options that can for speedy results.

Oral health improvement

One of the common reasons why children need to wear braces is due to overcrowding teeth. This can also be said as having too many teeth. Due to this the teeth are overcrowded; they overlap with each other and can also be placed crookedly in the child’s mouth. Crooked teeth are places where food debris can get stuck. Consuming food and not caring too much about oral hygiene can place food particles in between the crooked teeth.

Bacteria get attracted to these food particles and they work on them and release acids. These acids feed into the dental enamel and start eroding the teeth. Dental enamel is the protective covering of the teeth. After the enamel is lost, the inner pulp region is also affected and teeth are decayed. When braces are worn, the overcrowding of the teeth is removed. Teeth are pushed to their proper position and there is no more overlapping and chances of food debris being stuck in the teeth are reduced.

Brushing and flossing also become easier when teeth are in their proper position. It becomes easier to clean the teeth and possible to move the floss between adjacent teeth. Sugary and chewy food particles which cause plaque in the mouth can be removed from the mouth with ease. Oral health improves greatly if the cleaning is done properly.

Concerns with bite problems have an additional issue – when the bite is not proper then extra pressure is applied each time a child consumes food. This extra pressure will be felt on the teeth and also the jaws. Neck pain, headaches and jaw pain are some symptoms associated with this. Due to this issue, children will not be able to consume food properly. Nutrition is not received by the body and along with general health, the oral health of the child also suffers.

When a child wears braces, the pressure felt on the teeth and jaw line is greatly reduced. This pressure reduction happens in a step-by-step manner. Teeth are slowly pushed to the desired position and they continue to feel less pressure. This will help in improving the food intake of the child and also put an end to the associated problems.

Some children have teeth that jut out from the mouth. The teeth are constantly out and not protected by the lips. Teeth lack the usual protection when they stick out. They are not kept clean and moist as when they are covered. This can cause dryness in the teeth and bring it more bacterial action than otherwise. Bad breath due to dryness of the mouth can also bring in more dental concerns.

Using braces, the teeth that jut out are covered and protected by the teeth. They are kept clean by the natural saliva in the mouth and to a good extent they are protected. When teeth that stick out move into the mouth using braces, the teeth at the end of the mouth are removed if there is not enough place for all the teeth.

Proper care

Every child must go for dental consultations. Ideally dental consultations should start at the time when the first teeth erupt. Dentists will be able to guide parents on what aspects of the child’s oral health need to be taken care of. Information on the food habits and lifestyle of children also plays a major role in the dental health of children. As a child grows, oral development also happens, this development of teeth and gums can be in the proper way or it can be with some difficulties.

During routine consultations dentist will be able to diagnose the dental problems when they are emerging and suggest required treatment measures. The need for wearing braces also will come up if the teeth development has underbite or overbite issues or overcrowding of teeth. When the time is proper for the child the dentist will suggest the proper braces to wear. If it important that these suggestions are followed for providing good oral health for children.

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