Children's Dentistry | Ashfield Dental Centre | Sydney

Children’s dentistry: The ins and outs

Nurturing your child as they grow and develop comes with many joys and excitements; however, navigating their healthcare needs can be challenging and filled with confusion. Among their early life milestones – their first smile, first steps, first word – is another important event: their first dentist appointment, but many simply don’t understand when this is meant to occur. Today, Ashfield Dental Centre wants to shed light on children’s dentistry, and how we can support you and your child. Our experienced team is passionate about the benefits children’s dentistry brings to health and well-being, and is excited about the initiatives which make this healthcare service more accessible.

At what age should my child visit the dentist?

It is strongly recommended that children have their first dentist appointment when they turn one, or when they have their first tooth come through – whichever happens first. After this appointment, 6-monthly check-ups are usually recommended, and one of our experienced dentists will inform you of these arrangements.

Child Dental Benefits Schedule: Free children’s dental services

Medicare’s Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) provides eligible children with essential dental care to the value of $1095 over a consecutive two-year period, with no out-of-pocket costs to their parents or guardians. In our Sydney clinic, our experienced and expert dental team can provide approved services under the schedule

Not all children are eligible for this schedule. Below is a list of criteria that must be met to benefit from the CBDS:

  • They are within the age range (2-17) for at least part of the year
  • They qualify for Medicare
  • You receive Family Tax Benefit Part A, Parenting payment or Double Orphan Pension payments for at least some of that year.

Even if your child turns 18, if they were 17 for at least one day of the year they can receive these benefits.

Providing services beneficial for oral health is a priority at Ashfield Dental Clinic. Many of our general services are covered by the CBDS, including:

Please note, CBDS does not cover orthodontic procedures such as braces, or cosmetic procedures including crowns and bridgesveneersimplants and dentures. CDBS also does not cover any work needed in a hospital environment.

Our friendly team is here to make sure you benefit from this schedule if your child is eligible. If you have any questions regarding which services are covered, do not hesitate to contact our dental centre.

Learn more about Ashfield Dental Centre and the CBDS here.

The importance of dental care: Identifying sleep disorders

Sleep disorders are frequently seen in children, with 30-40% experiencing a sleep disorder before they reach school age. Rest is essential for the growth of children’s brains and bodies, and sleep disorders can therefore be problematic.

There are many forms of sleep disorders (such as sleep apnoea and bruxism (teeth grinding)), but more broadly, a sleep disorder is simply a condition that affects a person's ability to get the quality and quantity of sleep they need to function properly during the day. It can be difficult to identify sleep disorder symptoms, as these largely occur at night. We provide a list of symptoms to look for on our website, which you can access by clicking here.

Sleep disorders are often caused by issues regarding the teeth and airways. Ashfield Dental Centre is proud to provide support to children and parents who live with the effects of sleep disorders. Our team of experts is equipped to provide guidance and support in seeking a sleep disorder diagnosis and effective treatment to help your child get a restful night’s sleep.

Orthodontic care: Braces and children

A large part of children’s oral health care is the implementation of braces. Braces are orthodontic devices that straighten one’s teeth, and we offer both metal and ceramic options. It’s recommended that children aged 7-10 visit the dentist for a first assessment to see if early intervention is required. Here, a child’s jaw is very soft and corrective changes can therefore be made faster. Issues that are likely to create significant problems as the child develops can also be corrected early.

However, most individuals get braces in their early teens (12-13 years), as their adult teeth have come through, and their jaw is still developing and receptive to intervention.

Having orthodontic treatment can bring your child many benefits – aesthetics, oral hygiene, nutrition, speech and overall health. Learn more about children’s orthodontic care and braces on our website.

Ashfield Dental Centre is passionate about children’s oral health and is experienced in diagnosis and treatment. For more information on children’s dentistry, or to book a consultation, call us on 02 9798 4111, or contact us online.

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